

Are you interested in getting a job now?

Parenting and/or Reuniting with Children

Would you like any support related to parenting your children?

Physical Health

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you have a primary care physician?
Would you like any support or assistance related to your physical health?

Faith or Spirituality

Community Integration

Family and Friends - Support Network



-where will you be living?

-what will you be doing for school, work or training?

-what kinds of support will you have in your life to help you sustain your wellness?


Everyone has some personal strengths and interests, and you can build on these as you work to get better and move forward in your life and recovery.

-People say that I am good at...

-I am most proud that I can...

-I know that I am good at...

-One thing that I used to do really well was...

-My best qualities as a person are...

-People say that I have a gift for...

-things that you like to do in the community or at home?

-things that you would like to learn more about?

-things that you enjoy showing other people how to do?

-things that you really care about (like pets, children, sports, films)?

Things That Are Getting in the Way

Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges

We've talked about your current life and some specific ways in which you would like your life to look different in the future. I'd like us to explore for just a moment some of the things that might be getting in the way of your creating your ideal life for yourself.

Prioritization of Needs

How can we best work together to help you move forward in recovery and life?